The religious fanatics perpetrated all types of cruelties upon the saints;
Several were bricked alive by the brutal religious bigots.
Several were crucified, while several others were made to sit on hot-plates;
The worldly people associated together and committed not one but several atrocities against the saints.
Avtar says, the devouts of God have, however, been taking all the people of the world as their own;
They faced all ordeals, sufferings and distress cheerfully submitting to the will of God.
Santan te kayi julam kamaye majhaban de saiyadan ne,
Kandha vich chunvaye kayi sharah deyaan jallada ne,
Kayi chadaye sooli utte lohan te bithlaye kayi,
Duniya mil ke sant janaa te ik nahin julam kamaye kayi,
Avtar bhagat par mande rahe ne apna kul jamane noo,
Aukad dukh musibat jhalli mitha mann ke bhane noo....