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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

[Divine Souls:4338] Restoring Divine Law and Godly order amongst Men

Nirankari BaBa

Nirankari Baba has transformed and re-formed millions of people from all walks of life all over world, guiding people to the path of Humanity, path to Godliness and path of Righteousness, from worshiping concept and objects as deities and from self worship to worship One and only "Oneness of God/Allah".

Nirankari Baba is doing a grate work for humanity restoring God's Law and order in the world of mankind.

Nirankari Mission is a Mission of Spirituality/Ruhaniat, giving awareness of the unique knowledge of none objectified ever spreading Oneness which covers the entire universe.

Teaches mission followers to live divinely, Godly and practically, live Honest and truthful as possible as God has Commanded, live not for self but for others giving support, hope and relief as aa the Prophets have shown us.

Completely none judgemental, firm believers in equality, do-gooders' to one and all, believers in all Prophets and all Godly scriptures and be as humble as human can be.

If any one wants to come and witness the living Saints on earth, I personally invite you to come along and see the Modern age Miracles of Nirankari BaBa.



Rasheeda  Begum

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